Four Things You Can Do Before Moving Instead Of Packing

Four Things You Can Do Before Moving Instead Of Packing

Moving can be daunting and overwhelming, especially when it comes to packing your entire life into boxes and trucks. Many people dread spending hours sorting, organizing, wrapping, and packing every item in their home. At Lake Union Movers, we specialize in top-quality packing and moving services, and we’ve seen firsthand the benefits of prepping for a move in advance. Here are four things you can do before moving instead of packing!

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Declutter and Donate

One of the best things you can do before moving is to declutter and donate any items that you no longer use or need. Moving is a perfect opportunity to go through your belongings and get rid of anything that no longer serves a purpose in your life. By decluttering and downsizing, you can save time and money on packing and donating to charity can feel great by helping those in need.

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Create an Inventory List

Creating an inventory list of your belongings before we start packing for you can save you a lot of stress! This list not only helps you keep track of all your items as we pack them up, but also makes it easier to unpack and organize once the move is complete. You can make a list by room or by category, and even take pictures of valuable items for insurance purposes. Having an inventory list will also give you peace of mind knowing nothing is left behind.

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Organize and Label

Before Lake Union Movers arrive, take some time to organize and label anything important. This can save you and our packing team time and effort when it comes to organizing items in boxes. Labeling piles or items with the room they belong in or should go to will make unpacking a breeze!

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Set Up Utilities and Change Address

Another essential step to take before moving is to set up your utilities and change your address. Depending on where you're moving, you may need to set up electricity, gas, water, internet, and cable services. Scheduling this in advance can make the move smoother and less stressful, too.

Get a Quote for Packing and Moving Services in Seattle

Prepping for a move doesn't mean packing! By letting us handle the packing, you can save yourself time, money, and stress. Contact Lake Union Movers for a free quote on packing and moving services today.

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